
Get to Know The Best 2018 iPad Games! We Know You’ll Love These…

If you love playing games on your iPad, and you are getting tired of the games you have… Well, then you have come to the right page! Why? Because in this post, you will know the best 2018 iPad games that were all released just this month.

Antihero  – Digtal Board Game

Antihero DBG

Antihero is a digital board game of robbery set in the cartoony end of the 19th century. The streets of Victorian London are swathed with a thick fog, gaslights bleed out little puddles of warmth as the Antihero stalk the alleyways, pilfering where he pleases, and recruiting urchins to his gang of thieves. Bribery, murder, and beatings are the tools of his trade, as well as wearing a real cool hood and turning children into criminals.

Moreover, the game lets you create your own thieves guild. You play as a master thief, and via the medium of nicking stuff you need to force rival criminals out of your patch. You’ve got a few moves every turn to collect gold and lanterns, then you use these to recruit thugs and urchins to aid you in your nefarious cause.

This game is great because it is unlike any other game where you’re the hero who saves and conquers things. Once you’ve broken into house, you can send urchins in to take control. Add enough urchins and you’ll get extra bonuses to help you become the best crime lord in the city.




Kraino casts you as a top-hatted, armour-wearing skeleton dude. It wasn’t particularly clear as to why, but such things rarely matter in games like this. This  bony hero runs from left to right through familiar platforming levels, slashing horror-themed baddies with his sword and lobbing the odd projectile for good measure.

There are also certain items of level furniture can be destroyed to reveal health pick-ups and a number of projectile attacks, from fireballs to looping axe-throws. Moreover, this game gives a nostalgic vintage vibe with its graphics which makes it fun to play.

Thus, we think Kraino is a thoroughly entertaining action game that’s why it is part of this list!


Pathfinder Duels

Pathfinder Duels

The great thing about Pathfinder Duels is that you can run through a game of it in ten minutes. Even in that time though there’s a depth of strategy and level of polish that other games just can’t match.

You can take on other players to death battles in the Pathfinder universe. These take place across a twelve space grid where six of those spaces are yours, six of them are the enemy’s.

The game is pretty exciting because of the rush of last minute victories combining with the depression of the sudden unraveling of your best laid plans. Basically, Pathfinder Heroes is everything mobile card game needs to be. It’s short, sharp, and it rewards you for playing.


RC Club – AR Motorsports

RC Club

RC Club lets you play a virtual remote controlled car to play. Each of the machines is realistically rendered onto your iPhone’s display, with simple virtual controls enabling you to zip around. Moreover, the key twist in this game is that everything plays out on your living room floor—or anywhere you have a reasonable expanse of flat surface.

Therefore, it is such a fun and engaging game to play because it will feel like the cars and ramps are real!




Shurado casts you as an undead samurai, cursed to eke out a supernatural existence as a hulking suit of armour. To add, Shurado is a very simple combat system that is built with accessibility. Play it by a screen-tapping mechanic whenever swords lock with an opponent by attacking simultaneously.

Furthermore, Shurado is an undeniable technical showcase, and the character models move and clash with convincing weight. To add, the game has a highly detailed surrounding architecture. It’s all part of a package that will hold considerable immediate appeal for fighting fans and those looking to show off their new iPhone 8, iPhone X, iPad.


Go and enjoy these best 2018 iPad games now! Just simply click on to the links.

Kids iPhone App: Meet The Fuzzy Farm Crew

If you haven’t read about how Fuzzy Farm started, read about it here before you continue reading this article! This Kids iPhone App is called Fuzzy Farm, and as told in the title, you’ll be meeting and knowing more of the crew.


First up, we have Chiquee the Chick. This cutie is a special character because it was one of the first animals to be ever introduced on how Fuzzy Farm started. Chiquee is very approachable as told by other animals. She is known to be an independent chick unlike her sister and brother chicks. Moreover, she assists other feather animals like Vina the Hen, and Miggy the Rooster with daily chores in the farm.


Up next, Vina the Hen. This hen is no other hen because Vina is one of the toughest and most accommodating animal in Fuzzy Farm. She likes to be in charge of all feather creatures. Whether it be about their tasks and chores, Vina wants to know each and every feather creature’s to-do list of the day to keep the farm well-organized and neat.


Now, say hello to Miggy the Rooster! Miggy can be rowdy and too loud sometimes. However, he is very useful to the farm because he crows during sunset to make sure every animal gets up in time to do some good farming work.


The oh-so-fluffy animal is Lyra the Sheep. Lyra is a very shy animal, and she doesn’t say much around new animals. However, once she gets close to you, she can definitely hit you up with one long story in just a few hours!


Jac the Dog is Fez’s (the owner of Fuzzy Farm) best friend. Yup, just like what they all say, a man’s best friend is his dog. Jac is a very loyal, and trust-worthy dog. He makes sure all animals are okay and safe within the Fuzzy Farm. At night, he checks in on all animals to make sure they are all at their proper stations. Moreover, he keeps Fez company with Fez’s errands. Sometimes, he could go with Fez inside the stores. However, there are also stores where he could not be inside so he just stays inside Fez’s truck and patiently waits for him.


As he would like to call himself the greatest animal of all time, here you have Eric the Goat! Eric is one of the oldest yet wisest animal to exist in Fuzzy Farm. He usually works 100 times harder than all animals in the farm. Moreover, you will see him up before Miggy the Rooster could even sound off his loud crow. Furthermore, you will often see him work even after dinner hours, in which other animals are already resting in their stations.


Fatima the Duck is a character in Fuzzy Farm who is very kind and always thinking of others. She would usually give out precious gifts to everyone whenever she sees stuff that each animal would like.


Maisa the Goose on the other hand is very elegant, poised, and somewhat shy. She is the most admired animal in Fuzzy Farm because of her beautiful physic. Moreover, everyone loves her pure white color which makes it hard for all the guy animals to focus with their daily chores!


Here we have Polo the Horse! A very courageous and tough animal. Usually known as the protector of the farm due to its big physic. He does not only protect the farm, however, Polo also accompanies Fez to fresh trips within the town. Fez gives him treats every now and then to keep him motivated and strong all throughout the day.


John the Donkey is known to be as the clown of the farm. He likes to crack jokes, and make all the animals laugh! He exactly knows when some animals are feeling down and won’t back down until he sees a good vibe out of a sad animal. Even though John is known to be a go-lucky type of animal, he definitely knows when to be serious.


Another cute animal that’s part of the Fuzzy Farm is Dea the Rabbit! Dea passes down notes to each and every animal. Because of her long and fast hops, she can easily go back and forth to give out messages to all animals.


Milo the Pig is one of the jolliest and nicest animals there is to exist in Fuzzy Farm. She may be slow, but she gets her tasks done just in time for her favorite part of the day—dinner!


Naomi the Cat is very vain, and likes to keep to herself. However, even though she has very selfish characteristics, she helps out with the farm. Moreover, she never hesitates to give out a helping hand to any animal.


Cassandra the Cow is like the mother of all animals. Her major task is to produce natural milk for Fez to sell in the market. In addition, she gives out wonderful advice to each and every animal going through tough times… That’s why everyone loves her and makes sure she always gets enough sleep to keep her healthy, and be able to give out milk everyday.

Thank you all for reading about the Fuzzy Farm Crew! You could easily download the app by clicking onto the image below. We can’t wait for you guys experience this kids iPhone app!

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Super Sidekicks You Need to Know in AlfaFly: Mytho Quest

Don’t you just sometimes feel bad about sidekicks? They are so underrated, and not highly appreciated. We get that—and it is pretty sad. That’s why we have come up an article about the sidekicks of one of our games, AlfaFly: Mytho Quest! This is to showcase their abilities, and that sidekicks have use in this world! Get to know them by scrolling down! Are you ready? Better scroll on to see who are the super sidekicks you need to k0now in AlfaFly: Mytho Quest!



First up, you will meet sidekick Dandan. He is the first sidekick you will be able to use in the game because he is the only sidekick available to use for Level 1. Dandan is a magical flying fish that makes his home in the coral reefs of Kasbah Bay. However, he is also just as comfortable floating beside the seagulls in the skies above. As the story goes, Aladdin once caught Dandan while fishing off Kasbah Pier by looting Dandan with the use of his favorite food—a golden prawn. To Aladdin’s surprise, Dandan begged for mercy. And with that, Dandan promised to swear allegiance to Aladdin and provide help whenever needed. Since then, they were inseparable and became best of friends.

Dandan’s ability is being able to store coins in his cheeks and dropping them on Aladdin’s path to be collected, where the frequency increases relative to user level. The impact of each silver coin collected equals to 10 coins.



Essa the black cat is far from you typical feline. This sidekick was born on the nearby star Kotka, which shines as clear and bright as a diamond in the night sky. Essa travelled to Mythos in the core of a meteor at the quest of Merlin the wise wizard—who believed that the star-born feline might have some role to play in protecting the Kingdom. Essa became a sidekick to Luca on her sixth birthday. Since then, she developed knit-bond with the young witch.

To add, Essa’s intergalactic origins gave her the ability to produce starlight from her paws. With that, she travels in front of Luca during their quest so that Essa could aid the good witch by dropping miniature stars along her path. Her ability increases frequency relative to user level. Moreover, the impact of it shows that the collected stars increase final score to the game.



One of the coolest super sidekicks is Cerberus. This sidekick is the faithful three-headed dog of Hades. He can strike fear into the heart of even the bravest human warrior with his snarling jaws, razor-sharp claws, and ferocious temperament. However, as soon as Hades throws his favorite treat, a dragon bone, the hell-hound turns into a frolicsome puppy. Moreover, Cerberus rolls around on his back begging to play fetch! In addition to his tough side, Cerberus is wildly loyal by digging into the dirt and snapping at intruders when protecting his master.

When Hades left for his quest, Cerberus dug a bag of gold coins that had been left for ages by King Midas. He was planning to reburying it, however, Hades gave a call that had Cerberus having no more time in putting it back. Thus, his ability is to drop the gold coins for Hades to collect along his path. The impact of this ability shows that with every gold coin collected, it is equal to 25 coins in the game.



Making his nest in the craggy mountain of the north, the mighty eagle Gryph is a proud, and solitary creature. Which is perhaps why he gets along so well with the equally solitary Rumpelstiltskin. For years, the two have helped each other survive. However, before their journey took place, Gryph was unsure whether to accompany Rumpelstiltskin on his quest. But, eventually, his better nature prevailed and he agreed.

Gryph’s ability is carrying magnetic orbs in his talons. Moreover, he is able to drop them on Rumpelstiltskin’s path while walking on to the path, Rumpelstiltskin collects them. The impact of this ability is that the collected magnetic orbs can be used to attract stars and coins. Furthermore, these stars and coins increase score, and allow users to purchase new abilities and items.



Last but not the least, sidekick Wereskoll.  Bred in the imperial kennels of the Land Beyond, the mighty grey wolf measures eight feet in length. Moreover, he was far-seeing red eyes and ultra-sensitive hearing. Furthermore, he can also fly!

He accompanies Valkyrie on her visits to the Kingdom. In addition, he effortlessly glides in circles around the woman warrior, clearing the way for her, and keeping an eye out for any obstacles or attackers.

Wereskoll’s speed allows him to cover twice as much space as Valkyrie. It ranges far and wide to collect coins and stars that his master can’t reach. Thus, Wereskoll can travel independently where he can collect additional stars and coins. The more stars and coins collected, increase score and allow users to purchase new abilities and items.

You see? All sidekicks have their own special abilities and all those abilities have great impact into helping the main characters in succeeding with their quests. To know more about the heroes, click here.

App Store

Kids Mobile Apps — Know The Most Fun and Free Top 10 Games!

Kids are able to use and understand technology at an early age. Thus, they know how smartphones and tablets work correctly and how to play their favorite apps before they can even speak. However, with such a huge industry involving technology, there are a lot of apps offered in different platforms that are not so kid-friendly. With this matter, someone has to take control of it, or at least, help to mend out things, right?

Thus, Trafalgar Soft Company compiled a list of the top 10 most fun and free kids mobile apps!

Get your pen and paper ready, parents (or, you all could just take screenshots of the games. LOL, your call!).

Tynker: Code and Mod Minecraft by Tynker


First up, we have Tynker. It is the easiest way for kids to learn programming. Kids can solve fun puzzles using visual blocks or swift to learn the basics. Moreover, they can build amazing games, create fun Minecraft mods and addons, control robots and drones, and even explore STEM!

Tynker is free, but if you pay for the subscriptions, you will have access to mobile courses, more than 350 puzzle levels, a private Minecraft server, 18 online courses, and over 100 guided tutorials. Sounds cool, eh?

So parents, if you want your kids to get serious about programming, Tynker should be on your list!



BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week by BrainPOP

BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week

Second app is “BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week”. This app delivers a different animated movie every week—plus related quizzes and educational activities which are all for free! It’s ideal for kids in kindergarten through grade 3 because the BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week app has topics about Science, Social Studies, Reading, Writing, Math, Health, Arts, and Technology.

Moreover, it contains gentle, and humorous characters Annie and Moby who serve as guides through each topic which seems awesome! Furthermore, BrainPOP Jr. is designed to cultivate their critical thinking skills.

Very interesting, as we can see! To add, the app is easily navigable by kids ages 5-9.



Think & Learn Code-a-Pillar by Fisher-Price

Think Learn Code a Pillar

Third is very interesting and it’s called “Think & Learn Code-a-Pillar”.Make your child independent with this game! Help Code-a-pillar™ meander through obstacles to reach his target by creating a path for him to follow. With your kid’s help, find out if they will be able to hit the boulder or find his way around!

This game features an unlock special coding segments and obstacles as your kid levels up. Basically, the game offers maze and number games that gets kids thinking of solutions to problems!

Thus, this game highly value each kid’s progression because it has content that’s great with planning and sequencing, problem solving, number recognition, and counting in order.



Bee-Bot by TTS Group


Fourth is Bee-Bot. This app makes use of Bee-Bot’s keypad functionality and helps children improve their skills in directional language through sequences of forwards, backwards, left and right 90 degree turns. Moreover, the app was developed with 12 levels because the developers want to encourage progression by having each level timed. Moreover, the faster each level is completed, the more stars the player gets! The levels are set in an engaging garden scenario and will appeal from age 4 upwards.



Ubooly by Ubooly Inc.


Fifth app is called Ubooly. This is an app that lets kids pretend, explore, run, jump, wiggle and be imaginative in the real world—which is like normal kid stuff known as Creative Play. Creative Play helps kids develop social skills, increase self-control, and build confidence. Plus, it’s a ton of fun! I mean, who can say no to a pirate adventure or superhero camp, right?

This game is great because kids will be able to express themselves, and at the same time, gain some confidence within them. It’s not just a game app where kids stress their eyes for nothing, it’s a gaming app that will totally help the formation of children.



Artkive by The Kive Company


Sixth app is pretty funky and nostalgic. The app is called Artkive and it offers child-friendly navigation. Moreover, it is known as the “refrigerator door of apps”. What does that mean? Well, Artkive lets you create a plaque for each picture that includes the child’s name, age, and date, so you don’t have to try to remember who painted what. In addition,  it allows you to take pictures of your kids’ artwork and share them on Facebook or send them to anyone via email or text!

This app is pretty cool because it can conveniently preserve school work and projects.



Art of Glow by Natenai Ariyatrakool


Seventh is Art of Glow. This app is more relaxed, fun, and easy because you get to create variety of glow artworks! It is elegantly designed with the high flexibility adjustments, vivid glow colors, and many options.

Kids who play this game will be amused because it has glow/light paintings, fireworks, twinkle stars, animated text arts, and much more! Moreover, with this app, kids can express what they are thinking or feeling by letting them draw freely.

It’s a great game for kids to know colors, and have that awe perspective in the glowy effect of it.



Kodable by SurfScore, Inc.


Eighth on the list is Kodable. This is a great app because it can teach computer science to elementary students. In this game, kids learn the fundamentals of every modern programming language in a fun and inviting way.

To add, such concepts learned through the Kodable include sequence/order of operations, algorithmic operations, conditional logic statements, syntax, variables, object oriented programming, classes and sub-classes, properties, and methods!

With all that has been mentioned, it is a guarantee that this app is one of the greatest apps you can allow your child to play! Why? Well simply because this app can best help your child in preparation for school since it includes a ton of educational stuff! Your kid will definitely benefit from this app.



Rosetta Stone by Rosetta Stone, Ltd.

Rosetta Stone

Nineth app is interesting and very cool because parents could save extra bucks when their kids get older by not having to pay for extra language classes. LOL.

The app is Rosetta Stone. It is a fun, educational app that teaches preschoolers how to read and speak. This game is perfect for parents looking to teach their child more than one language because Rosetta Stone app reinforces English reading skills while simultaneously introducing Spanish.

Moreover, the app casts the child as a savior for trapped toys. Plus, kids have to speak Spanish to control the actions of different characters on screen, matching the correct starting letter sound to release each toy.

Trafalgar Soft thinks that this app is clever because it makes kids interested in speaking Spanish, or any other language! Imagine having a child speaking different languages at a different age—looks and sounds pretty cool!



Shapes Toddler Preschool by Letterschool Enabling Learning, Inc.


And last, but not the least, you have Shapes Toddler Preschool. This app makes kids ready for preschool with puzzles and games because it involves shapes, colors, numbers, and letters.

There are four ways to play but all of them are educational and should help with development. Shapes Toddler Preschool features over 30 categories, which include shapes, colors, money, symbols, colors, and numbers. Moreover, the game has puzzles, games, and flashcards to make learning easy.

Furthermore, the controls in this app are easy enough for anyone to use. Why? Because the app was conveniently laid out by the developers of Letterschool Enabling Learning, Inc.



There you have it, parents! Thank you for reading the whole article. Now, you have a list of the best free and fun kids mobile apps for your children to play. Simply click the links to download and your kid will be all set to play!

But on the real note, you all can thank us later for listing down free apps… LOL! It’s Christmas time and we sure know you don’t want any unnecessary apps surprising your bill!

Top 10 Free iOS Apps Great On iPhone X

Are you on the iPhone X trend right now and in the search for great apps to play with? You clicked on to the right link because here, we are going to discuss about the top 10 free iOS apps great on iPhone X! Continue scrolling to see what these games are, and there is a guarantee you will love all of them because Trafalgar Soft only chooses what’s great for all of you!

Postknight by Kurechii


Postknight re-imagines the best parts of role-playing games into bite-sized bits within an exciting delivery adventure. A game about the adventures of a Postknight, who is tasked with difficult or dangerous deliveries at the kingdom of Kurestal. Through deliveries, the Postknight will meet other characters with different backgrounds while travelling across the kingdom and beyond. Designed to be an enjoyable RPG for those on-the-go. Moreover, Postknight is optimized for mobile devices—from content to controls, for hardcore and casual players, and to time spent in and out of the game. Instead of spending long hours to experience the highlights of an RPG adventure, Postknight offers it in small yet exciting pieces.

On a more detailed side, the game lets you adorn your rewards like having armor and weapons. As well as being able to mix brilliant blends of healing power, lower cool-down, and more. Plus, every delivery run increases the postknight’s experience, along with strength, agility, intelligence and vitality. You can even select strategic skills, and embark on a light-hearted adventure to various interesting towns and cities and meet its diverse inhabitants. The game offers bite-sized but breathtaking gameplay, meaning, there aren’t any draggy battles but it’ll be exciting! What’s cool in this game is that you can also establish relationships with characters by giving gifts and whatnot.

This app is supported by the newly released phone, and because of its amazing gameplay and graphics, it has a customer rating of 4.5 stars on its current version!


Galaxy on Fire 3 – Manticore by FISHLABS

Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore

Enter the hazardous Neox Sector and take down the galaxy’s most wanted criminals in spectacular dogfights! Dodge in-coming missiles with perfectly timed barrel rolls and dash through the ramifications of giant space stations. And once your shields are up again, strike back and give them hell!

Reason why it’s part of the top 10 free iOS apps great on iPhone X? This app is supported by the newly released phone, and has a customer rating of 3.5 stars on its current version! Moreover, there are unique features that you all will be amused:

Experience a universe in your pocket where you can play the third installment of the pioneering GOF saga. As said earlier, give ‘em hell. Meaning, go and defeat more than twenty-five ruthless bosses and their trigger-happy henchmen! It’s a promise that this is a stunning game world where you can explore more that fifty stunning locations and unlock new areas. Plus, you can gear up by fly more than twenty-five spectacular ships and mount more than thirty powerful weapons! Best part? You get to have a connected experience—hire your friends’ ships as wingmen and you are all set!


Alpha Omega by BorderLeap, LLC

Alpha Omega

Do you like solving puzzles, or playing any Scrabble-like game? Well, Alpha Omega is just the perfect game for you! This game lets you solve each crossword puzzle with only the first and last letters as your guide. But don’t fret, because there are clues everywhere! You are given a clue and a puzzle full of scrambled words. Once you decipher a word, it itself becomes a clue, making you to interpret other words.

The game has over 1,400 levels. Yes, you will not get bored after playing a few sets of the game! After you’ve graduated from “The Original” level pack, or whenever you’re ready, you can jump right into challenging new premium level packs! Moreover, this app has a relaxing gameplay which means there is no rush here! Take your time to think as a beautiful ambient soundtrack accompanies gameplay. You can even access a custom music player to play whatever track you like—pretty convenient, eh? LOL! Furthermore, the game contain beautiful themes. So you can definitely put your personality into it—whether you love bright colors, seasons, pastels… or even a dark theme to play at night! You can change up the entire look and feel of the game board with custom themes.

This app is supported by the newly released phone, and has a customer rating of 4.5 stars on its current version!


Olympus Rising by flaregames

Olympus Rising

Go and prrove that you have what it takes to become a god in this cutting-edge action-strategy game! This game lets you fight large-scale battles with hundreds of units while being able to customize a team of Heroes with almost infinite variations of powerful loot. Moreover, you can recruit fantastic beasts from Greek myth and legend, and build a fabulous city on Mount Olympus. Furthermore, strategically design your defenses to defeat attacking players, and form an unbeatable Alliance and fight epic campaigns in the Alliance Wars!

Take note that this game requires Camera and Microphone access in order to use the broadcasting feature. This app is supported by the newly released phone, and has a customer rating of 4.7 stars on its current version.


Dots & Co: A Puzzle Adventure by Playdots, Inc.

Dots & Co A Puzzle Adventure

This game is new and is developed by the creators of #1 App Store Hits Dots and Two Dots! Explore beautiful landscapes and embark on a visual journey by solving puzzles with magical companions that help you along the way. You’ll love this game because it’s free to play, and you can challenge yourself with 500 new and completely original levels, which is by the way, fun for Dots loyalists and new players alike. Moreover, you can meet various original companion characters that help you beat levels, and solve clever puzzles containing over 15 visual mechanics using your wits to figure out the perfect move!

This app is cool because it even has a color blind mode which makes everyone enjoy the game. Furthermore, the game is supported by the newly released iPhone X, and has a customer rating of 4.3 stars on its current version. Download this game when you click onto the image above or simply click the link below.


Redungeon by Nitrome


Enter the world of Redungeon! It’s pretty cool because of its endless, random, and increasingly difficult dungeons. It also has dozens of complex traps carefully designed to stop you, and you can unlock characters—each with unique game-changing skills! You will be amused as you play due to lots of angry, colorful pixels! However, there are a few friendly ones. Play with ease with great music by Dave Cowen, the composer behind Leap Day and Rust Bucket.

This app is supported by the newly released phone, and has a customer rating of 4.9 stars on its current version.


Craft Away! – Idle Mining Game by Futureplay

Craft Away! - Idle Mining Game

In Craft Away, you’ll be able to explore a beautiful world! Mine thousands of blocks with one swipe of your finger. You can befriend mobs and animals to mine by your side and craft awesome gear like potions, enchanted books, furnaces and pickaxes to enhance your journey. This is the world’s best incremental idle mining and crafting game!

It is a frenzied mining where tornados, TNT, and a giant golden hammer harvest entire chunks in an instant! In this game, you have to invest wisely to prove your RPG strategy with smart decisions on which gear and mobs to befriend, craft, and upgrade. Best part? You don’t need a Wi-Fi to play this game—yes, you can play anywhere!

This app is supported by the newly released phone, and because of its cool gameplay, it has a customer rating of 4.7 stars on its current version.


King of Thieves by ZeptoLab UK Limited

King of Thieves

This game is quite different because it’s not like your ordinary heroic games… Why? Well, simply because you steal gems to play! Yes, steal gems, build your defenses, and win guild wars in the arenas in this unique blend of arcade, platform and multiplayer PVP game! You can even compete with over 50 million players around the world, and create your own guild of thieves and break into the enemy’s dungeons. Plus, learn ancient spells to become the most feared thief in the game!

This app is supported by the newly released iPhone X. And because of its fun gameplay, it already has a customer rating of 3.9 stars on its current version.


Bubblegum Hero by Crimson Pine Games

BBGUM HEROBubblegum Hero

Here’s a refreshing and fun game to play! The main goal of this game is to make the right bubblegum balloon. Not too small or it will flop, and not too large or it will blast in your face! Create a perfect one and you’ll get a combo multiplier and the leader board will be yours. Beware though, the higher combo you score, the more difficult the game will get! But don’t get scared, it’ll be fun along the way! Moreover, there are over 20 heroes to pick from whom each one of them is a real bubblegum aficionado. As you may have expected, gums are the most crucial items in this game. Furthermore, on each world, you draw from a different gumball wherein each of the gums has a different name, flavor, and skin, as well as properties like points, speed, perfect, range & cash.

To add, in BubbleGum Hero, there’s a ‘real life mode’! In your settings, you can change the mode and literally blow into the microphone. Pretty awesome, right? Now, that’s something to show off at the next party!

Yes, it’s a game that will definitely BLOW your mind away—see what we did there? POP! Oops, we meant, LOL! This app is supported by the newly released iPhone X. And because it really is a fun and entertaining game, it has a customer rating of 4.7 stars on its current version.


Letter Fridge by Candywriter, LLC

Letter Fridge

Here’s a fun and cool way to play crossword puzzles! Say hello to Letter Fridge where you start each level with a handful of magnets. Finish with a dozen or more words! In between, enjoy the physics we painstakingly crafted into our coolest word game yet. Be honest, you love making words on your fridge! So it’s time to revisit the age-old marriage of bright plastic letters and ice cold kitchen appliances!

This app is supported by the newly released iPhone X. And because it really is a cool game, it has a customer rating of 4.7 stars on its current version.


And there you have it, iPhone X users! Go and enjoy these games because these are completely compatible to your iOS.

Top 10 2018 Video Games To Look Out For

Crazy how 2017’s about to end, and 2018’s coming with a full swing! 2018 bringing a slew of amazing-looking games, are you ready for those? So, here’s an article of the Top 10 2018 Video Games to look out for! Take note that the games you will read about are the hottest games on the horizon. Where there will be a mix of blockbuster AAA titles and bold projects. Many of these games will be here before you know it, so let’s study them for a bit, shall we?

Monster Hunter: World

Monster World Hunter

A new era for Capcom’s long-running action series, as Monster Hunter: World trades portability for shiny graphics! In addition, there will be trade also for refreshing the co-op, and third-person hunts for modern market. This new Monster Hunter has you pursuing a big game—think dinosaurs and dragons! Moreover, you will lurk through tropical jungles and conceal your approach using foliage-based camouflage. It’s all in the name of fancier armor and outlandishly large weaponry. Plus, a new grappling hook should add a new layer to the series’ hard-to-master attack and movement options. This game will be available on the following platforms: PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Dragon Ball FighterZ

Dragon Ball FighterZ

This 2.5D, 3v3 team fighter from Arc System Works looks like it’s going  into the mainstream’s DBZ nostalgia. Dragon Ball FighterZ’s bold 3D models look like they jumped straight out of the anime. A unity of  Goku, Vegeta, and Cell on a single team will take place! This trio will be chaining flashy supers and assists together!  This game will be available on the following platforms: PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Metal Gear Survive

Metal Gear Survive

Hideo Kojima’s has nothing to do with this Metal Gear game. Other than the fact the there’s its reuse of assets built for Metal Gear Solid 5’s Fox Engine… But there’s reason to have an ounce of cautious optimism for Metal Gear Survive! Why? Because this multiplayer game takes place in a dimension found supporting soldiers on Base being swarmed by crystal-covered zombies! Pretty cool, eh? The production values and core gameplay are nowhere near the pedigree you’d expect from a Metal Gear game. However, it’s hard to go too wrong with co-op horde modes. This game will be available on the following platforms: PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom

Ni no Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom

With its beautiful, Studio Ghibli-inspired art direction, Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is unmistakable! It looks like the sequel iterates on the original’s gameplay in all the right ways. Instead of controlling individually collected familiars, Evan, Roland, and Tani are always in the thick of each real-time fight. However, the events once again takes place in the parallel realm of Ni no Kuni, this story has a much scope than the first. Why? Well because the deposed young king Evan endeavors to reclaim his kingdom of Ding Dong Dell after a hostile takeover. This game will be available on the following platforms: PS4 and PC.

God of War


Having torn the Greek pantheon asunder, Kratos has set his sights on a new mythology to conquer: Norse. The fourth main entry in the legendarily brutal PlayStation series drops the numbering, and looks like it’ll force Kratos to control his endless rage. Moreover, he raises his young son Atreus to become a hardened warrior. No worries because you’ll still slay a lot of fantastical creatures along the way! To add, you will be using Kratos’ new lightning axe main weapon. But, expect a lot more character development and quieter moments in between all the carnage. This game is only available for PS4.



Anthem is EA’s answer to Destiny—a shared-world shooter that aims to put players in a gigantic sci-fi universe. You play as a Freelancer engaging in third-person, Mass Effect-style shootouts, armored up in your Javelin exosuit to explore and exterminate within some gigantic alien biomes. As you might expect, there’s an emphasis on party play and the pursuit of increasingly impressive loot. This game will be available on the following platforms: PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Shenmue III

Shenmue 3

In Shenmue 3, you’ll take the role of a martial artist named Ryo Hazuki as he attempts to uncover who is responsible for his father’s murder. The game enables players to take on enemies in hand-to-hand combat, upgrade combat abilities, and explore a living world full of villages, shops, and an active populous. This game will be available on the following platforms: PS4 and PC.

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes


The beam katana-wielding assassin Travis Touchdown is back! And he’s looking stylish as ever! Don’t think of this as No More Heroes 3 but instead, it’s something of a spin-off, revolving around crossovers. Badman is itching for some murderous revenge on our side-burned anti-hero. But while the two are duking it out, they’re sucked into the Death Drive MK-2 game console. Expect Suda51 and his team at Grasshopper Manufacture to stuff Travis Strikes Again full of their trademark over-the-top violence. This game is only available for Switch.

Darksiders 3

 Darksiders 3

The Darksiders series is famous for being a blood-soaked, bone-crunching take on The Legend of Zelda’s open-world exploration with a dash of Devil May Cry combat with full of ridiculously proportioned character designs by cult favorite comic artist Joe Madureira. You’ll be cutting down swaths of demons across the ruins of post-Biblical-apocalypse Earth, fighting back against embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins themselves. This game will be available on the following platforms: PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown

Bandai Namco’s favorite series of flight sims is gearing up for a big comeback in 2018! They are bringing the action back to the alternate universe of Strangereal for Ace Combat’s current-gen debut. The fast-paced aerial looks great whether you’re piloting from the first-person cockpit or a third-person view. In addition, the campaign wants to contextualize the theater of war in the skies with a healthy dose of political intrigue. Take note that Playstation VR owners get the added bonus of PS VR-exclusive missions that should make players feel like they are actually flying their very own fighter jet. Exciting, eh? This game will be available on the following platforms: PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

There you have it, guys! The top 10 2018 video games to look out for! You can thank us later. LOL!

Top Mobile Games for Girls to Play (Know The Top 5 Free iOS Apps)

Hey girls! Currently on the look out for good mobile games to play? Today’s your lucky day because this post will give you a list of the top mobile games for all you girlies to play! All iOS apps listed are free to download—yes, you won’t be asking your parents if you can use their card to install these apps. Perfect, eh? Time to get onto it then!

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood by Glu Games Inc.

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

This game is more than adoring the reality star, Kim Kardashian. It’s a game you will love to constantly play because it will make you feel like you’re on a quest in conquering the lime light! With this game, create your own aspiring celebrity and rise to fame and fortune.

All girls of all ages will love this game because they will be able to customize their own character with hundreds of style options—oh yes, imagine all those outfits, accessories, hairstyles, and makeup looks  you can mix and match! The game will also let you experience the daily lives  of celebrities, where you will be encountering the paparazzi, impress fans, and work with other celebrities. And of course, it wont be a Hollywood feel without ruling the red carpet! You will be working the carpet most of the time to earn coins, and level up to be an A-lister. There’s so much more to do in this game, you will love it!


Makeup Girls – Games for Kids by Pazu Games Ltd

Make Up Girls

In the mood for some glam time? A huge makeup fan? Well, Makeup Girls is the perfect app for you, beauty lover! This is more than just a makeover app because this game takes you into the world of fashion and make up in entirely new way. You can choose your own make up, hairstyle, and much more all with this incredibly easy to use game. This mobile game is truly a fun and entertaining game that everyone will love! What are you waiting for? Download this free game today and become your own fashion guru! Oh, did we mention this app is ad-free and parental control? Oh yeah, this game is really one of the best!


Beauty Salon – Girls Games by Bear Hug Media

Bear Hug Beauty Salon

Here’s another beauty and fashion gaming app! But this time, you have to prepare a model’s face for a fashion show! So, wake up and start helping the top models to be best prepared for the upcoming fashion show with a spa treatment, makeup, stylish and color hair, and choose the tons of outfits for them.

This app features a fashion show salon makeover game as said earlier, four fabulous top models to play, a glamorous dress design and creation section with realistic hair makeover tools: comb, hair dyes, curling iron, etc. There’s also
tons of different styles of makeup with shining beauties on eyes, faces and lips! Go crazy too with the stylized creative gorgeous and cool style dresses to wear, and various trendy and thematic accessories to put on. After that, strut with the cool photography on the show stage!


CocoPPa Play by UNITED, Inc.

CocoPPa Play

Say hello to yet another beauty and fashion gaming app, but this time, you will go gaga over the cute kawaii avatars!  Create and decorate your avatar with cute outfits, and then create fashion shows to share to people all over the world! You will definitely love this because of its cuteness overload!


Beauty Idol by Animoca

Beauty Idol

Go and live the dream and become an amazing rock star, actress, or supermodel in this cute, anime and manga inspired Fashion RPG! With a bit of romance and love, this app is yours to explore as you make it big in the city! Moreover, this app has it all, whether you’re seeking luxury, cosplay, Japan, Romeo & Juliet vibes, or pretty princess styles!

Furthermore, some features of this glamorous app are the bright and colorful candy colored manga and anime art style; being able to your own moe and kawaii anime girl; has a wide array of cute clothes and accessories to choose from; and has three main career paths to follow: singer, actress, model. You can complete jobs and challenges to earn cash, or play mini-games to earn cash or clothes and accessories! Shop ‘til you drop in a Ginza, Harajuku, and Shibuya inspired setting—quite exciting, eh? Oh, and you can even hang out and go on dates to find the guy of your dreams! Plus, you will be able to chat with various virtual celebrities and live the Shōjo and Seinen life!


Well, that’s all for today! Go and download all of them now and start living a glamorous virtual life!

iOS Game — AlfaFly Mythos Quest Main Characters Introduction

Come and fly away to fantasy when you play AlfaFly Mytho Quest! This iOS game will have you mind-blown with its cool story-line, and several advanced features to keep you all engaged. This iOS game article will focus on AlfaFly’s interesting characters! Are you ready? Keep on reading then!



Introducing Aladdin—the first character you will meet when you play the game because he’s the only available character for the first level. This character is known to be the brave young man with the flying carpet. He has honed his skills of speed and agility while navigating the narrow alleyways of the Kasbah, crowded maze of shops, homes, and temples which occupies primarily the Eastern Peninsula of Mythos.

Not only has he honed his skills of speed and agility, but his greatest ability is courage. This helps him to take on challenges that are difficult, and be able to go well on his quest in pursuing Morgana throughout the Kingdom.



You will be seeing Luca just right beside Aladdin when you start picking a character to use. Luca goes all over the magical forests of the West Country. She descends from a long line of rustic, good-hearted witches. Luca has had training about arts of witchcraft and wizardry at a young age. Wherein this taught her how to fly, generate fire, and transform matters so she could assist her sister witches. However, after each day, she used her powers to amuse herself like transforming pine cones to a yummy chocolate!

The abilities of Luca are honed from extensive training in the arts of witchcraft. She can gracefully conjure a magical fireball that can transform objects it comes in contact with. iOS game proper, her abilities with the magical fireball can transform objects in the game into a coin or star which you can collect!



Hades, on the other hand, is a character who never smiles and rarely speaks. But that shouldn’t scare you because he is pretty much a nice guy! Ever since he has lived in the Underworld, roaming the endless plains and caverns with this faithful three-headed dog Cerberus.

He uses the power of darkness to conjure a black hole in mid-air. The mentioned black hole spins singularly into a space which collapses. When conjured, the black hole functions like a magnet that draws all nearby coins and stars toward Hades.



Up next, Rumpelstiltskin. This character has the golden touch, which makes him able to turn any object into gold with a simple touch with his right thumb while shouting the magical incantation that only he knows. This ability is known to be his way being able to provide the dwarf some financial resources to purchase new items and powers. Not convinced with his power? Well, his power is useful to all players because it could increase total coins by up to 20%.



Lastly, there is Valkyrie. She is known to glide across the sky with a sword in one hand, and a shield in the other. Her long braided hair is crowned by a helmet. With this, she has ignited more than one person in the Kingdom to stop her in their tracks and stare at the sky in wonder. Moreover, Valkyrie’s feathery, silver-tipped wings can spread up to six feet in any direction, and her strength comes from the staff of the legend.

Her abilities are not only powerful, but also smart. This is due to the fact that she can properly analyze her surroundings, even while flying at lightning speeds. In the iOS game proper, her abilities can make your Experience level increase up to 11%.

There you have it, everyone! Go and fly away to fantasy with this incredible iOS game. Go download AlfFly: Mytho Quest now!

App Store

Free Online Cooking Games — Know The Top 5 Of 2017!

Looking for a new online cooking game to play? Well, say no more because a runabout of the top 5 free online cooking games this 2017 is here!

Star Chef: Cooking Game

Star Chef

First up, Star Chef: Cooking Game. This game lets you create recipes, and can let you simply put together a good cookbook. The game features friend referrals, as well as sneak peeks of new items being unlocked! The app updates each season to catch the right timings of all seasons all year round. Which seems cool because it will feel like you have a real restaurant! You can now live your dream of becoming a Master Chef and build your own classy restaurant with humble beginnings with this cooking game!


Cooking Fever

Cooking Fever

Second cooking game you all will love is Cooking Fever. This free addictive time-management game lets you cook delicious meals and desserts from all over the world! With a choice of 20 unique locations, you will be able to practice your skills in a variety of settings and cooking techniques. Use more than a hundred ingredients to cook several hundred tasty dishes! Moreover, this game lets you complete more than 400 levels! Crazy, right?


Super Cooking Games: Cooking Joy, Best Cook!

Super Cooking Games: Cooking Joy, Best Cook!

The third free online cooking game is called “Super Cooking Games: Cooking Joy, Best Cook!“. This mysterious mini-game lets you open and manage fancy restaurants all over the island. Boredom won’t be part of this game because there are many fun and challenging levels! Moreover, it features exciting world tournament with fast food dishes, as well as funny and peculiar customers.


Cooking Dash

Cooking Dash

Another one of the top addictive free online cooking games is Cooking Dash! This has been one of the favorites since last year because of its exquisite graphics and gameplay, but it has been keeping up with all the new ones by being on the look out of their updates. Cook your way to stardom, hundreds of levels to complete, collect and upgrade your kitchen wares!


World Chef

World Chef

Lastly, there’s World Chef. A game which known for being the most  international cooking game, with chefs and recipes from over 20 nationalities! World Chef is a happy place where the kitchen never closes, the waiter always has a big smile on his face and the food is so great you should probably play with a bib on. Moreover, some of the features of this game are being able to create, decorate and run your own fine dining restaurant. Furthermore, you may be able to craft exclusive decorations at the Design Studio, as well as being able to buy and trade fresh ingredients and cook increasingly delicious dishes.


There you have it—the Top 5 Free Online Cooking Games of 2017! Go download them now, and have fun!

Online Bike Game App by Trafalgar Soft: “Bike Me”

“Bike Me” is an upcoming online bike game app provided by Trafalgar Soft. This online bike game is not one of the “free online bike games” which most of the time lets you down with poor graphics and the like. So, Trafalgar Soft made sure that this online bike game will be worth your money and space in your phone! Moreover, this online bike game is no ordinary bike game app because it has a fun story behind it.

“Bike Me” consists of 5 cool bikers whom each and every one of these characters have unique personalities and looks. These bikers are considered to be as the “Bike Me” Crew. This crew has 3 guys, and 2 girls.

Mikey Lee

Photo 1: Mikey Lee

First biker dude is named Mikey Lee. He is know for his green hair and funny personality. He joined the crew 2 years ago when we was just 16 years old. Even though  he is young, bikers have had the mistake of taking him for granted. Why the mistake? Well, it is because he can do incredible stunts, and his abilities are out of this world for a young biker.


John Cress

Photo 2: John Cress

Up next, we have the coolest known biker in town because of his red hair named Josh Cress. This guy has mastered all biking stunts and has been bike racing for over 7 years. He is 22 years old, and is into a lot of sports but biking has been his long time favorite sport. Moreover, he is known for his rough past when we had a bad bike accidents 3 years ago. This made his career have a bit of a set back, but that did not stop him.

Chris Biele

Photo 3: Chris Biele

Good boy blue-haired heartthrob biker is Chris Biele. This biker is greatly known for his good looks and nice attitude which all girls love, and go gaga for. This dude is smart when it comes to biking as he knows well the right ways and forms when it comes to racing. Even though a lot of girls try to get him, he sticks to only one girl who is also part of the Bike Me crew. Hint: She has blonde (yellow) hair, and you will know her more as we go deeper into the list of characters.

Ashley Fern

Photo 4: Ashley Fern

Tomboy-chic and down to earth biker is Ashley Fern. This biker is one of the toughest members in the “Bike Me” crew. Ashley is known for her pink hair-do. However, that does not make her any less competitive in the field.

Nat Bailey

Photo 5: Nat Bailey

Lastly, a blonde chick named Nat Bailey. This is Chris Biele’s girlfriend. Chris influenced Nat to be a biker. Ever since, she kept on training as she progressed to be one of the contenders in biking races.

And there you have it, a quick introduction of the characters in our new upcoming mobile game, “Bike Me”! Trafalgar Soft company extends excitement to share this game out to the world. This online bike game is not one of the free online bike games in offered in iOS, but there is no doubt gamers will love this due to its 3D running game just like Temple Run stylewhere you can adapt to the game by tilting your phone from side to side, make the character jump by swiping up, and collect coins to purchase different things from the store!

This game is made extra with its multiplayer feature wherein you can play with a friend in real time! This feature opts you to be able to play with 3 friends per racing match. Cool, right?

A Runabout of 2017’s 10 Best Free iOS Games

Free iOS games are the holy grail for all iPhone users because without these free games that mobile gaming app companies create, I doubt a lot would be into mobile gaming these days. In this article, we’ll be discussing the 10 best free iOS games this 2017—from sports and fighting games to puzzles and RPGs, we’ll give you guys a runabout of these best games!

Asphalt 8 Airborne

Asphalt Ariborne 8

First up, the Asphalt 8: Airborne. This racing game will make you experience a breathtaking ride through the sunny streets and dark underground of Munich in limited-time events, multiplayer, and all-new special events!


Beneath The Lighthouse

Beneath The Lighthouse

For second best, we have a game called Beneath The Lighthouse! This game is a serene puzzle action game about a boy in search of his lost Grandpa. The journey in this game will take you through mysterious mechanical wheels that lay beneath the lighthouse.


Cally’s Caves 3

Cally's Cave 3

Third free best iOS game would be Cally’s Caves 3—a game with a storyline of a main character named Cally battling the Nefarious Herbert! This game features 120 levels across 8 zones. It has intense boss fights against giant monsters, and tons of character abilities to unlock.


Clash Royale

Clash Royale

Fourth best is Clash Royale! From the creators of Clash of Clans comes a real-time multiplayer game starring the Royales, and other favorite Clash characters. This game features duel players from around the world in real-time in both 1v1 and 2v2 battles.


Crossy Road

Crossy Road

Why did the chicken cross the road? Why did the pigeon leave something there? And, why did the unihorse eat all of those candies?! Yes, you guessed it right! Next best is Crossy Roads! This game is so addicting and fun to play. With its cool graphics, you will definitely get hooked up!


Frisbee Forever 2

Frisbee Forever 2

Us millennials get so nostalgic when it comes to the toys that we used to play with when we were younger. So it is no surprise to have Frisbee Forever 2 as one of the best free iOS games! With its rollercoaster ride with the world’s beloved toys, there is no doubt you will fall in love with this game!


Imago – Transformative Puzzle Game


Seventh best is a puzzle game known as Imago. This transformative puzzle game features expanding pieces and soaring scores! Drag pieces through the grid and maneuver around with various shapes. This game will have you uncovering new strategies with size- and shape-changing pieces.


King Rabbit

King Rabbit

Placing eighth in the list is King Rabbit. This game is one of the best free iOS games because it’s a game where you can play and be a hero! Rescuing rabbits from their enemies, and being able to create unlimited levels and share them with the world is cool and fun.


Leap Day

Leap Day

Second to the last best free iOS game is Leap Day. This game lets you accomplish brand news levels everyday! This game is also known to be as one of the best iOS apps in 2016, so having this game be on the best 2017 list, there’s no doubt this game really is the izz!


Threes! Free


And last, but not the least, we have Threes! Free. This game is a tiny puzzle game that will have you playing endlessly because of its amazing graphics, and addicting gameplay.


There you have it, guys! A runabout of 2017’s best free iOS games. If you don’t have some of these apps in your iPhone, you guys are totally missing out! Better download them ASAP for some fun within the reach of your fingertips!

10 Best Puzzle Games for iOS and Android

10 Best Puzzle Games for iOS and Android

Deus Ex Go (Android, iOS: $1.99)

Deus Ex GO is a turn-based puzzle stealth game set in a beautiful dystopian future. Take control of secret agent Adam Jensen and solve brain teasing, grid-based puzzles to infiltrate enemy lairs and unravel a perplexing new mystery. Sneak, hack and fight past enemies, and augment Adam with futuristic upgrades.



Mushroom 11  (Android, iOS: $4.99)

As life struggles to gain a foothold in a devastated world, a new lifeform emerges from the rubble. Mold yourself into any shape as you explore this strange, challenging landscape. The eerily beautiful visuals are complemented by the ethereal music of electronica legend The Future Sound of London.


The Room 3 (Android, iOS: $4.99)

The Room 3 builds on the success of its previous installments, providing gamers with a series of challenging puzzles and satisfyingly tactile controls. Players must unravel a series of increasingly complex puzzles as they seek to unearth the secrets of The Null and the mysterious Craftsman. The game’s hallmark is its use of touch screen controls, with swipes, taps, and gestures intuitively manipulating puzzle elements, giving the game a very natural, immersive feel.


Human Resource Machine (Android, iOS: $4.99)

Human Resource Machine is a puzzle game for nerds. In each level, your boss gives you a job. Automate it by programming your little office worker. If you succeed, you’ll be promoted up to the next level for another year of work in the vast office building. Congratulations!

Don’t worry if you’ve never programmed before – programming is just puzzle solving. If you strip away all the 1’s and 0’s and scary squiggly brackets, programming is simple, logical, beautiful, and something that anyone can understand and have fun with! Are you already an expert? There will be extra challenges for you.


Mini Metro (Android, iOS: $4.99)

Mini Metro is a game about designing a subway map for a growing city. Draw lines between stations and start your trains running. Keep your routes efficient by redrawing them as new stations open. Decide where to use your limited resources. How long can you keep the city moving?

• Random city growth means each game is unique
• Eighteen real-world cities will test your planning skills
• A variety of upgrades so you can tailor your network
• Normal mode for quick scored games, or Extreme for the ultimate challenge
• Compete against the world every day with the Daily Challenge
• Colourblind and night modes
• Responsive soundtrack created by your metro system, engineered by Disasterpeace


Prune (Android, iOS: $3.99)

Prune is a love letter to trees. A game about the beauty and joy of cultivation.

With a swipe of a finger, grow and shape your tree into the sunlight while avoiding the dangers of a hostile world. Bring life to a forgotten landscape and uncover a story hidden deep beneath the soil.

• A unique digital plant for your pocket
• Beautiful, minimalist art and a super clean interface—it’s just you and the trees
• Meditative music and sound design for you to zen out to
• No IAP, no monetization strategy, no currencies
• Share screenshots of your unique tree creations with friends
• Synchronize progress across all your devices using iCloud


Warlock’s Tower (Android, iOS: $1.99)

Warlock’s Tower is a retro puzzler with elegantly designed levels around one simple rule – one move equals one life lost. Watch your step!


Twofold Inc. (Android, iOS: $3.99)

From the creator of rymdkapsel comes a puzzler you’ve never seen before.
twofold inc. is a humble puzzle game with stunning looks and mesmerizing mechanics.
Scroll the playfield to unravel the tiles, then make a path to clear them away.

The minimalist visuals hide a depth that will keep challenging and surprising as you master it.

* Endless challenges
* Two game modes, Standard and Master
* A wonderful acoustic soundtrack


Road Not Taken (Android, iOS: $4.99)

Road Not Taken is a puzzle game about surviving life’s surprises. You play as a ranger adventuring through a vast, unforgiving forest in the aftermath of a brutal winter storm, rescuing children who have lost their way. Randomly generated levels deliver a limitless supply of possibilities to explore and challenges to overcome. Your actions will influence not only your own story, but that of the villagers you hope to befriend and the town you call home.


Concrete Jungle (Android, iOS: $4.99)

A follow up to the puzzle hit ‘MegaCity’! Concrete Jungle is a new take on the city building genre that swaps micro-management for a more strategic and puzzle-orientated style of city planning.

You have a deck of selected cards which you can use to place buildings. Each building will affect it’s surroundings in different ways. The aim of the game is to clear city blocks by gathering the required number of points from your residents, giving more room to build. As the city grows, bigger and better new buildings can be added to your deck!

As you get opportunities to hone and refine your deck, residents will demand more from you. You’ll find yourself inadvertently creating zoning puzzles- playing against your own past planning decisions.

Top 9 Most Download iOS Mobile Games 2017

Finding the Top 9 Most Download iOS Mobile Games 2017 are difficult these days with a market flood influx of cheap shovelware. Mobile games are supposed to relieve stress those few moments of time we have between work, school and our busy lives – not cause more of it. Headaches ensure when gamers try and sift through the mobile games marketplace that they can’t find a proper time-waster. Our list is where we come in to remove the guesswork out of your game time. Game on!

Top 9 Most Download iOS Mobile Games 2017

Flippy Knife


Top 9 Most Download iOS Mobile Games 2017

Mobile Games- Flippy Knife

100,000 free downloads strong, Flippy Knife tops the list with its breakout company Beresnev. This addictive action game has you flipping knives in various colorful scenes trying to land on a target. This mobile game is absolutely brand new but worth a look, having come out just this year. Good scores reap new, fantastic weapons like gilded swords and steely battle axes that enrapture our inner weapon collector. Feel the hours whittle away as you dive into unique, exciting modes to keep gameplay fresh and engaging. We love this game and clearly, we are not alone, with reviews topping it 5 stars average for each new patch update. Give into your barbarian impulses and fling a knife or two!

Minecraft Pocket Edition


Top 9 Most Download iOS Mobile Games 2017

Mobile Games- Minecraft

Mojang’s most popular game of the year is in your pocket with 50,000,000+ downloads as of 2017. A reasonable 6.99 is all it takes to journey to the blocky world of Minecraft. This is a full featured, special edition of Minecraft made to run on mobile devices. You won’t be wanting for your console version at home with plenty of variety and even support added for a multiplayer mode. Craft, create, destroy, and then build it all again! All your favorite monsters are here such as creepers, enderman, skeletons, spiders, and zombies! The PC sensation is still topping charts on the mobile games market and hasn’t lost even a bit of its quality luster!

Candy Crush Saga


Top 9 Most Download iOS Mobile Games 2017

Mobile Games- Candy Crush

Nothing can beat mobile games studio King’s behemoth of mobile gaming at 1,000,000,000 downloads to date. The likelihood is that you already have this puzzle game sitting comfortably on your iOS home screen just calling home to you. If not, you may want to pick up this internationally addictive matching mobile game. Quick, easy to learn with music as catchy as its gameplay. You’ll lose more than just a few hours totally engrossed in this sugary wonderland. If you’re a long time Candy Crush fan, you’ll find new levels and modes available with every new update. If you haven’t checked out this title in a long time, there is still tons more to see in Candy Crush Saga!

Pokemon GO


Top 9 Most Download iOS Mobile Games 2017

Mobile Games- Pokemon Go

500,000,000 downloads since its release in summer of 2016, the AR game Pokemon GO has recently climbed right back up the leaderboards of the mobile games market place with their new Raid system. For those unfamiliar with the concept, you fling monster-catching capsules with your finger in order to snag at least 150 different critters called Pokemon. You can choose to be on the red Team Valor, the blue Team Mystic or the yellow Team Instinct and play for your team’s territorial dominance in gyms. Pokemon has been a pop culture staple since its debut in 1996, with wide appeal and addictive gameplay that was made the Nintendo Gameboy Color a best seller. A surge of cellphone sales and upgrades happened last Summer and is again now that Pokemon GO has updated its arsenal with at least 96 new monsters, brand new capturing items and the coveted Legendary Pokemon.

Heads Up!


Top 9 Most Download iOS Mobile Games 2017

Mobile Games- Heads Up

50,000,000 downloads have made for impressive chart-topping scores for a simple card game. Made popular by the Ellen Degeneres Show, this game has participants guessing the name of the word card that’s on your head. “Digital Charades” is the best way to describe this rousing, addictive game. Anytime you find yourself bored in a circle, watch your friends and family’s faces light up as they attempt funny accents, singing, and other silly shenanigans in order to get the highest score! This game is very accessible to even casual players and is especially popular at parties.



Top 9 Most Download iOS Mobile Games 2017

Mobile Games- Hearth Stone

Blizzard’s break into the mobile games market has been impressive with whopping 50,000,000+ downloads. Blizzard has always been a wizard at appealing to the casual market and hardcore players at the same time and Hearthstone has been no exception. This card game simulator is a challenging, engaging experience played by dealing smart hands against a variety of monsters, bosses, and scenarios. Multiplayer is a big draw, as is always the case with Blizzard’s excellent massive multiplayer online gaming franchises. Mobile games are the new frontier, and Blizzard has found a way to completely dominate the competitive mobile games market without equal.

Fire Emblem Heroes


Mobile Games- Fire Emblem

Mobile Games- Fire Emblem

Published early this year by Nintendo LTD. in an attempt to establish themselves in the mobile games market, they succeeded astoundingly with 5,000,000 downloads since release. Fire Emblem Heroes is an RPG strategy game where you “summon” favorite Fire Emblem characters from across the ages to aid you in defeating an evil empire. Collecting these summons is only one of the draws of Fire Emblem Heroes gameplay – the other being its robust strategical gameplay. Fight against game enemies in a variety of tactical scenarios that test your wit against both multiplayer matches and NPC’s. If the cute art doesn’t get you, the catchy soundtrack and engaging gameplay will.



Mobile Games- Nexomon

Mobile Games- Nexomon

A completely new game on the market in the RPG collection genre with 50,000+ downloads and counting. Nexomon has high-quality art and an engaging storyline that mirrors Pokemon in its early years. It blends sci-fi with a modern setting wherein you can collect and raise pets known as Nexomon. Turn-based RPG combat is typical here, as it is heavily inspired by the success of Pokemon but not a complete clone. It’s new monsters and appealing graphics make it a breath of fresh air for mobile games as a whole. Don’t miss out on Nexomon this year, as it quickly grew in popularity and rank!

Mobile Strike


Mobile Games- Mobile Strike

Mobile Games- Mobile Strike

100,000,000 downloads of the most popular tactical MMO on the mobile games market currently. Mobile Strike is an international hit among several platforms, but most popularly on iOS. Mobile Strike’s unique gameplay has you building a base and stocking it with fierce soldiers, defending your territory from other players who wish to claim it for your own. The strong your base, the mightier your army and the higher up in the leaderboards you will climb. Strong customization options and stimulating tactical gameplay give you full, satisfying control over your stronghold that will enrapture you completely and keep you glued to the screen for hours. Watch out, this one is a real money sink if you let it get its grips on you. It’s worth every penny!

Arcadia Phantasm: How the Story Begin (iOS &Android free mobile game)

Free mobile game Arcadia Phantasm

Arcadia Phantasm is our latest free mobile game that you don’t wanna miss! You will meet Emilia Lionbolt who will rescue the Princess. Also you can invite your friend and both of you will surely enjoy and be addictive to this new free mobile game for Android and IOS. You can also check more app that you will surely enjoy.

“Daedalus looked one more time at the note, Morgiana had been very specific about when and where he was to create his distraction, and she was not a woman to accept mistakes. He shivered at the memory of a Minotaur breathing down his neck as he bowed before her throne, it wasn’t something he ever wanted to experience again. With a sigh he crumpled up the note into one of his pockets and pulled out his invitation from another. It was genuine, that was why he had been singled out by Morgiana, inviting him to the presentation of princess Amber to the court for the first time. As a bard he had been invited to compose a ballad of the event, with suitable dramatic embellishments where needed. He looked up into the darkening sky and shivered because he doubted he was going to need to embellish anything.

Free mobile game Arcadia Phantasm

Still, He had worn his finest tunic in honour of the event, and also to make sure he didn’t get turned away at the door. Most approached by carriage but he was forced to approach the main gates by foot, and was met by four guards in the livery of the king.

Their weapons were fresh, and their eyes bright and alert, a notable change from the bored men he’d seen the last time he’d approached the castle gates. He was tempted to ask if they were expecting trouble, but if they were then he couldn’t risk getting stuck outside. He presented his invitation and was waved through the gates, although not before being searched for weapon, or items of magic. They couldn’t take his voice from him though, and more was the pity.

The guests were guided towards the great hall where the king was showing off his wealth and his strength in equal measure. The chandelier glowed above their heads with hundreds of candles, which impressed Daedalus as he had to be sparing with his. Servants bustled about, constantly replenishing a table filled with the finest food and drink from across land and Daedalus tried a few samples finding none of them less than delicious. There were also many more guards inside, close to the whole garrison, and although they favoured the guests with polite nods, their hands were never far from their weapons, and they constantly scanned the growing crowd. They knew something was wrong.

Free mobile game Arcadia Phantasm

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On a dais at the head of the room sat the king on his throne, with his beautiful wife sat next to him, hands clasped in a semblance of happiness. But, Daedalus was more perceptive than most, and he could see their eyes filled with anxiety, their hands clasped tight as if they were nervous. Emilia Lionbolt, the Maiden of Gold, was stood close to the throne, posture relaxed but eyes alert. She could complicate his part in the plan, if she was skilled enough to sense his spell while he was spinning it, he rather hoped she would.

As one a hush fell over the crowd, a slight young figure being lead into the room by Emilia herself, dressed in the work of the finest seamstresses, her face hidden by a veil. Princess Amber, heir to the throne, walked to the front of the dais and removed her veil. Daedalus couldn’t be the only one who gasped. It was not just a beautiful face, it was full of life, vitality, and joy like few in the kingdom had ever seen.

One by one guests lined up to greet her, welcome her to the court with their blessings and tokens of affection. Daedalus was near the end of the line but when he finally took his place Amber’s smile was not diminished.

“My lady, I have no token that could match such a radiant beauty, but perhaps I could give a more ephemeral gift. A song”

He saw her face light up, turning to her parent for permission, her childhood not quite behind her yet. The king chuckled to himself and gave a nod, so Daedalus took position in the centre of the room. He started his song, low and deep, a few plucked strings keeping him company, and as he did he weaved his spell. It was subtle, not one of sleep but something close to it, and as he played he could see the anxiety in the crowd fade away. The guards took their hands off their weapons, relaxing slightly at their posts. When he reached the end of the song his part was complete, and he knew the calm would not last.

“That was a marvellous song, thank you”

Before he could think of a reply, or maybe find his spine and warn her of the danger a guttural growl sounded from the main doors. The guards looked confused, and in that moment of distraction the Minotaur was among them. It was the same beast that had captured Daedalus, the bulls head with lethal horns, notched by countless battles. The marble floor shattered beneath cloven feet as it knocked the guards aside. The beast may have been mighty, but it was the woman walking behind him that held everyone’s attention. She cut a devastating figure in a robe of midnight blue, eyes flashing with magic and malice, and at her command golems formed out of the stone walls to engage the remaining guards.

Free mobile game Arcadia PhantasmFree mobile game Arcadia Phantasm

Daedalus watched as Morgiana formed crackling lightning in her hands and cast it towards the king on his throne. It might have been his end but the maiden of gold met the blow with her sword, the blade glowing with enchantments, and reflected it harmlessly. The force was still enough to knock her to the ground and it was in that moment that the Minotaur surged forwards. It took Amber over one shoulder and ran back the way it came, retreating with it’s mistress. The Golem’s remained, but Emilia regained her feet and sliced through them like butter before charging out of the door in pursuit of the princess.

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Daedalus watched, feeling guilt and relief warring in him before he charged after them too. He wasn’t sure how, but he needed a way to make things right.”


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Top 10 MMORPGs of iOS 2017

Who does not like to play mobile games these days? With limited access to physical games, sports and activities, more and more children are taking to mobile games. Not just children, even adults who are stressed out take to mobile games to get out of their tiredness and chill out. Video games actually help sharpen your intelligence by making your brain function in different ways like figuring out alternative paths, making you check your mistakes and finding out your own mistakes. Thus, video games really open the door to some amazing possibilities of passing your time and relieving your stress.

Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games
You know how fun video games already are. But now add on to them the thrill of playing online. Wouldn’t that be fun? Yes, it should be. But now consider, you are playing online with millions of other gamers, who are all playing the game together on a multiplayer platform. Surely, that is going to increase the thrill beyond imagination. Playing against the computer may get boring after a certain point of time. You might be playing regularly and have understood the ways of the bot, the underlying algorithms. But playing against others on an online platform in real time is surely going to take you off your feet. Let us look at the top 10 massive multiplayer online role playing games featured for iOS in 2017.

Top 10 MMORPGs of iOS 2017
Here are the top 10 MMORPGs of iOS 2017:

Banner Saga and Banner Saga 2

The Banner Saga 2

The Banner Saga 2

The Banner Saga is a blend of multiple genres of games. The game is adventurous and the decisions are text based. You would get to command a team of about 6 fighters that you can select among a large army of personnel. The characters in the game can be upgraded or customised through the gameplay. The game is grid based and in each turn the fighters are allowed to move a definite number of blocks and then perform an action, which might be a weapon attack or melee action or even a magic trick. The Banner Saga 2 does not add too many changes, excluding those involving the tactical formulae. The different stories are beautiful and you would love them all.

Broken Age



The Broken Age is renowned for its easy puzzles, most of them can be solved within a few hours. But the thing is that you do not get the help of any look up menu for the commands and the interface is also quite simple. The game is particularly suited for touchscreen devices though it can also be played with normal PCs. But the most lovable thing about the game should be the awesome visual quality of the game. The game continues on a gentle and subtle storyline and there are two parallel tales and you would be able to switch between them. The game is pretty humorous and has got many immature jokes.


Device 6



The game is a text-based adventure puzzle and you must note down everything to get through them. Some of the intelligent folk may say that they can see through the puzzles, but most of them are quite tough to figure out, if you miss the details. We would actually need a pen and paper to make notes and this is actually recommended. The look of the game is very unique and there have been the judicious use of many black and white illustrations. The audio quality is also quite good and you would definitely like the game as a whole.

Grim Fandango Remastered



The hype that surrounds the Grim Fandango Remastered is totally deserved. The game is a neo-noir mystery and is set in the Land of the Dead. Those who are fans of black and white films will surely love the witty dialogues that are used in the game. The game is a point and click adventure game, which involves a lot of problem solving depending on clever thinking. The game does not have a lot of action sequences. There are puzzles that will help you to move along the plot and it centres around a character named Manny which is unwinding the corruption in the Department of Death.

Her Story

Her Story

Her Story

The Her Story is narrative mystery game where you would be looking through interview tapes from a murder case that took place in 1994. You would be going through hundreds of such video clips which are totally unorganised. The first search had already been made for you when the game starts and that is ‘MURDER’ You would have very few instructions left for you and that means that you are totally on your own and you need to hone your detective skills. The experience you have while playing the game depends on the order in which you search and the tapes you watch and the conclusion you would draw for them.

 Best MMORPG iOS Games




The Machinarium is one of the classic click and point adventure games. The game will provide you with a unique experience that you would definitely cherish. Each of the room that you pass through will offer you with some puzzle and you would need to get through them to locate your lady friend and demolish the plan hatched by the bullying robots. Machinarium will give you an organic and electronic feel. The visuals are hand painted and feel cartoony and wonderful. The soundtrack has jazz and ambient electronica and gives up an amazing entertainment.

Milkmaid of the Milky Way



Poor Ruth lives in one of the idyllic Norwegian fjords, but in order to make ends meet, she needs to sell dairy products. There is a nasty storm that had jeopardized all of Ruth’s plan and tools and a huge spaceship has taken all her cows. Yes, the game and story might seem like a little odd, but there are lots of surprises waiting. As soon as the cheese is made, Ruth would find himself leaping into an alien spaceship and there are lots of adventures waiting, which should probably stay a mystery for the best.

Papers, Please

Paper Please

Paper Please

The player in the game has to act as the border guard in a fictional state and allowing the people in the country depends on his choices. You would need to go through the story of the people, check their passports and other paperwork and search for inconsistencies, if there are any. But the decision would ultimately lay on your hands. You make too many mistakes, you would be reprimanded and after that, a fine would be charged. The immigration rules would change by the day and become more complex and you would need to play accordingly.

Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies

This game had actually been published for the Nintendo 3DS, but now is benefitting the iOS devices. The game has some brilliant animations and would provide great experience. In the game, you would need to play as lawyers Athena Cythes as well as Phoenix Wright. You are trying to defend a shy girl by the name of Juniper Woods. The girl had been accused of bombing a courtroom. The game is really cool and would have go through the interviews and find inconsistencies and prove that the witnesses are lying.

The Silent Age



This is another one of the point and tap adventure games that are taking place in two different times. Your character would be playing in 1972 and then there would be a leap to the year 2012. You would be playing as a janitor who stumbles upon a time traveller one day, who asks you to warn him about that meeting and then suddenly dies, living you with the time machine and a huge mystery to solve. The storyline is thoroughly exciting and would love every bit of it.

These are some of the best massive multiplayer online role playing games of iOS 2017.

iOS Game Air Break IS A Mind Blowing Game for Jumper.

Air Break is a free iOS game with unique action jumping style that has been designed to keep players hooked for long. Designed for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, this jumper mobile game targets a large audience and comes with easy to follow instructions and engaging graphics.
Air break comes with integrated support for Facebook, Twitter and you can invite your friends and get them involved in the best action games.

  • Released: Nov 05, 2015
  • Current Version: 1.2.7
  • Rated 9+

Alison ” Easy and nice control ”

JennyDgreat “Have played game like this before but this one have a great graphic”

Nicky “The graphics of this game is freaky blow me away , it worth checking out”

Air Break iOS game Screenshot 1

Air Break iOS Game Screenshot 1


***Key features***
Air break is one of the nicely developed and thoroughly designed action jump game which comes with some of the best features. Here are the key details of the game.

— Easy controls
This game doesn’t require a great deal of instructions to play with. When you download the game, there is an option of viewing the tutorial. The tutorial is very brief and short and shall not entail huge time. The game mainly involves a few basic instructions as you can jump up, swipe right and left to dodge the barriers and fly higher.

— Amazing graphics
The graphics of Air Break makes it one of the top jump games. The finest designers thoroughly inspected all key details before inculpating them for offering you the best results. The graphics are lively and the barriers are so designed that the movement looks real. The color schemes are extremely vibrant and bright and bring out the best in the game and keep the players hooked.

Air Break iOS game Screenshot 4

Air Break iOS Game Screenshot 4

— Punk steam theme
The game is based on punk steam theme and the graphic designs have been illustrated keeping this theme in mind. You will find different spaceships and other sci-fi objects as barriers and this is sure to excite jumpers even more.

— Great game play
The developers of Air Break spent a lot of time in coming up with the right game play concept. The main idea behind this game is to allow the players to become the best jumper. Your character needs to jump high in the air by tapping on the screen. Once you are in air, you can swipe right or left by flicking your fingers and then your aim is to dodge the different barriers and obstacles so that you can survive. The moment any obstacle hits you, you will die and the game will end.

— Social media integration
When playing Air Break, you can connect with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. You can invite them to play the game or even share your scores and challenge them to beat your high score. Social media integration has become phenomenally popular and if you have friends who love jumper mobile game, this is certainly one of the best choices.

— Quick download
There is a need to keep the file size small. This action jump game doesn’t require huge space in your device and the file size is. It can be quickly downloaded and it won’t use too much internal space on your device either.

Those who love playing action games should make it a point to download this free jumping game and enjoy their time. There is no violence in the game and hence it is suited to audience spanning all age groups. The game is addicting as you will be inspired to improve your own score.


Download Air Break Noww !!