
Arcadia Phantasm: How the Story Begin (iOS &Android free mobile game)

Free mobile game Arcadia Phantasm

Arcadia Phantasm is our latest free mobile game that you don’t wanna miss! You will meet Emilia Lionbolt who will rescue the Princess. Also you can invite your friend and both of you will surely enjoy and be addictive to this new free mobile game for Android and IOS. You can also check more app that you will surely enjoy.

“Daedalus looked one more time at the note, Morgiana had been very specific about when and where he was to create his distraction, and she was not a woman to accept mistakes. He shivered at the memory of a Minotaur breathing down his neck as he bowed before her throne, it wasn’t something he ever wanted to experience again. With a sigh he crumpled up the note into one of his pockets and pulled out his invitation from another. It was genuine, that was why he had been singled out by Morgiana, inviting him to the presentation of princess Amber to the court for the first time. As a bard he had been invited to compose a ballad of the event, with suitable dramatic embellishments where needed. He looked up into the darkening sky and shivered because he doubted he was going to need to embellish anything.

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Still, He had worn his finest tunic in honour of the event, and also to make sure he didn’t get turned away at the door. Most approached by carriage but he was forced to approach the main gates by foot, and was met by four guards in the livery of the king.

Their weapons were fresh, and their eyes bright and alert, a notable change from the bored men he’d seen the last time he’d approached the castle gates. He was tempted to ask if they were expecting trouble, but if they were then he couldn’t risk getting stuck outside. He presented his invitation and was waved through the gates, although not before being searched for weapon, or items of magic. They couldn’t take his voice from him though, and more was the pity.

The guests were guided towards the great hall where the king was showing off his wealth and his strength in equal measure. The chandelier glowed above their heads with hundreds of candles, which impressed Daedalus as he had to be sparing with his. Servants bustled about, constantly replenishing a table filled with the finest food and drink from across land and Daedalus tried a few samples finding none of them less than delicious. There were also many more guards inside, close to the whole garrison, and although they favoured the guests with polite nods, their hands were never far from their weapons, and they constantly scanned the growing crowd. They knew something was wrong.

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On a dais at the head of the room sat the king on his throne, with his beautiful wife sat next to him, hands clasped in a semblance of happiness. But, Daedalus was more perceptive than most, and he could see their eyes filled with anxiety, their hands clasped tight as if they were nervous. Emilia Lionbolt, the Maiden of Gold, was stood close to the throne, posture relaxed but eyes alert. She could complicate his part in the plan, if she was skilled enough to sense his spell while he was spinning it, he rather hoped she would.

As one a hush fell over the crowd, a slight young figure being lead into the room by Emilia herself, dressed in the work of the finest seamstresses, her face hidden by a veil. Princess Amber, heir to the throne, walked to the front of the dais and removed her veil. Daedalus couldn’t be the only one who gasped. It was not just a beautiful face, it was full of life, vitality, and joy like few in the kingdom had ever seen.

One by one guests lined up to greet her, welcome her to the court with their blessings and tokens of affection. Daedalus was near the end of the line but when he finally took his place Amber’s smile was not diminished.

“My lady, I have no token that could match such a radiant beauty, but perhaps I could give a more ephemeral gift. A song”

He saw her face light up, turning to her parent for permission, her childhood not quite behind her yet. The king chuckled to himself and gave a nod, so Daedalus took position in the centre of the room. He started his song, low and deep, a few plucked strings keeping him company, and as he did he weaved his spell. It was subtle, not one of sleep but something close to it, and as he played he could see the anxiety in the crowd fade away. The guards took their hands off their weapons, relaxing slightly at their posts. When he reached the end of the song his part was complete, and he knew the calm would not last.

“That was a marvellous song, thank you”

Before he could think of a reply, or maybe find his spine and warn her of the danger a guttural growl sounded from the main doors. The guards looked confused, and in that moment of distraction the Minotaur was among them. It was the same beast that had captured Daedalus, the bulls head with lethal horns, notched by countless battles. The marble floor shattered beneath cloven feet as it knocked the guards aside. The beast may have been mighty, but it was the woman walking behind him that held everyone’s attention. She cut a devastating figure in a robe of midnight blue, eyes flashing with magic and malice, and at her command golems formed out of the stone walls to engage the remaining guards.

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Daedalus watched as Morgiana formed crackling lightning in her hands and cast it towards the king on his throne. It might have been his end but the maiden of gold met the blow with her sword, the blade glowing with enchantments, and reflected it harmlessly. The force was still enough to knock her to the ground and it was in that moment that the Minotaur surged forwards. It took Amber over one shoulder and ran back the way it came, retreating with it’s mistress. The Golem’s remained, but Emilia regained her feet and sliced through them like butter before charging out of the door in pursuit of the princess.

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Daedalus watched, feeling guilt and relief warring in him before he charged after them too. He wasn’t sure how, but he needed a way to make things right.”


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